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Magical practitioners, seekers, dancers, mystics, and lovers of mystery...

Join us in gathering in ceremony, with the intention of connecting with our sacred roots. Nourish your body, clear your mind, open your heart, and free your spirit.


The purpose of this sacred container is to feed the holy and facilitate a deep inner awakening in the most joyful, sweet, soft, direct, and inspirational manner possible. 




Seasonal Harmonizing Ceremonies

Seasonal Harmonizing Ceremonies

Prayer is the ritual of aligning our deepest truth with our lives.

We will join together and connect to the source, give gratitude for our many blessings, and celebrate our divine nature.


With ritual, we calibrate with the cycles within ourselves, the seasons, and our prayer for our one wild and precious life.

We will adjust each ceremony based on the season to include dance, meditation, prayer,  acupuncture, sound healing, rituals, medicine song sharing, fire ceremony, nature bathing, embodiment practices, and water blessings as we calibrate with the qi of the time. 


Align with Seasonal Qi

Primary to a healthy path is living and acting in harmony with the cycles of nature around us. In Taoist tradition, the leading cause of the dis-ease is forgetting to adjust our conduct with the seasons. So often, in our modern world of artificial lights and technology which subvert our subtle intelligence, we forget to take our cues from nature.


We have an ancestral prayer to live a deeply embodied, earthly existence in harmony with our surroundings. As Star Hawk so eloquently puts it,  “We do not live in the unchanging twilight realm of Faery, but in the living, dying, fading, and growing realm of the earth.”

Each ceremony will include a small talk on the seasonal qi which includes philosophy, foods, movement, medicines, timing, and appropriate conduct. 


My intention is to create a space that is deeply nourishing and engaging for your body and mind as well as giving practical ways of connecting to the season in your everyday life.


The ceremonies start at 10am and go till 10pm.

Join us in remembering and cultivating our connectedness.

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Imbolc - Lunar New Year

New Year of the Wood Snake - Spring Begins

February 15, 2025  Berkeley, CA

Imbolc marks the beginning of the New Year in earth-based calendars. It is all about the inner fire – symbolized by the beginning of Spring, and the stirring of seeds under the earth. It has the potential for recalibrating our sense of life. There is tremendous potential for renewal, inspiration, and freshness with the return of Yang.


Let go of the old, break up habitual patterns, and move towards the people and things most nourishing in your life. This is a time of deep inner work, where the seeds of enormous breakthroughs can be sown.

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Spring Equinox

March 22, 2025  Asheville, NC

Spring presents us with an amazing opportunity to replenish ourselves. The season itself represents the energy of fertility, newness, and growth, as nature flourishes all around us. Ancient Chinese Tang Dynasty springtime court entertainments involved the recitation of poetry and the playing of new music.

It is a time for gatherings rife with music, play, and poetry about love, newness, and rebirth. Bring songs and poems about love, wear green, let your hair down, and bring fresh flowers.

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New Moon

April 5th, 2025 Gastonia, NC

With healthy yang dominating in the late spring and early summer there is a sense one can do anything -multi-task, complete projects, concentrate, invent new ideas, or even re-invent oneself. There is a feeling of great accomplishment and competence.


Come pray your deepest dreams and manifest your path forward with in this beltane fire ceremony.

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Temple of Light

April 19th, 2025 Charlston, SC

With healthy yang dominating in the late spring and early summer there is a sense one can do anything -multi-task, complete projects, concentrate, invent new ideas, or even re-invent oneself. There is a feeling of great accomplishment and competence.


Come pray your deepest dreams and manifest your path forward with in this beltane fire ceremony.

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 Summer Begins

May 4th, 2024

With healthy yang dominating in the late spring and early summer there is a sense one can do anything -multi-task, complete projects, concentrate, invent new ideas, or even re-invent oneself. There is a feeling of great accomplishment and competence.


Come pray your deepest dreams and manifest your path forward with in this beltane fire ceremony.



Summer  Solstice

June 22nd, 2024

Summer Solstice is the zenith of yang energy and the beginning of the end of summer. After the solstice yang begins it’s a decline as yin is birthed as we head towards autumn and the days get shorter.


At summer solstice yang ideally begins to sink down, be anchored, and let yin take over.

The summer is abundant with ripe, juicy, yin filled fruit. We can further accentuate this abundance by literally giving ripe fruit to friends and allies. Gift giving helps to harmonize the season’s yin and yang as well as ancestral energy.​ We will gather together, wear fancy clothes, give gifts, and celebrate our lives and community. 



Autumn Begins

August 3rd, 2024

Autumn is about the out breath of our lives, a turning inward and a time for reflection that comes with slowing down. If yang, at the end of summer, does not yin up it becomes violent, out of control, overly ambitious and dominating.


In this ceremony we will calibrate with yin by surrendering to the flow, harmonizing with nature, and giving thanks for the abundance all around us.



Autumn Ceremony
in Nevada City

October 5, 2024

Autumn is the time to let go of that which is no longer serving us, to harvest that which we manifested over the warmer seasons, and to turn our energy inward and towards reflection. Our ceremony will be focused around calibrating with the growing yin.


It is the time to pull inward and gather our qi into ourselves on all levels. It is a time to organize the more scattered and spontaneous patterns of the summer months and harmonize with our inner worlds.

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Winter Begins

November 9, 2024

Winter is a time of rest - an out-breath, a hibernation, and a slowing down. It is the time to let go of all that no longer serves our soul's highest purpose.



Winter Solstice

December 28, 2024

Annual Silent Ceremony


Winter is the time when Big Yin is free to develop, unhampered by yang's effects of doing, being busy, and moving faster. 


The council is to not squander the wintertime with activity.

The winter seasonal cycle offers a tremendous opportunity for the recovery of the body, mind, and spirit when we take the time to slow down and dream with intention.


Cultivating our yin over the winter months means we will have enough energy to nourish the burgeoning creativity and bring the ideas, dreams and visions that have been cooking to fruition in the spring.

Your Birthday Ceremony

Coming to this all-day retreat at a time close to your birthday is especially potent for giving thanks for your life and clarifying your intention for the year ahead. I invite you to use this coupon for the ceremony closest to your solar return to receive $100 off. Simply paste this code into the box at checkout.



Taking time to drop in with our prayer, our bodies and community in a sacred way connects us to source and spirit, within and without, empowering us to commune with our souls. The cultivation of this force returns us to our essence.

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