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Sound of ૐ Reality
This is a sound ceremony designed to help you ground into the unchanging Reality of the One Heart. Connect with unified consciousness in this meditation designed to help you relax, and drop deeper into the field of Oneness and Divine Support. Open to the field of grace and the realms of Light as you connect with Universal Intelligence. This meditation is excellent for dysregulation of the nervous system such as is commonly the case with anxiety, insomnia, and chronic fatigue. Treat yourself to a sound bath of peace, serenity, and vibrational therapy.
It is shared with you because I love you. Please do not share it with anyone else. We are still incubating.
Sit or lie in a quiet place. You will need to listen with headphones.
Sound of ૐ RealityBronwyn Ayla & Temple Step
00:00 / 23:08

Taking time to drop in with our prayer and our bodies in a sacred way connects us to source and spirit, within and without, empowering us to commune with our souls. The cultivation of this force returns us to our essence.
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